UPDATE – PAGE REALLLYYY out of date. Will update soon

This is a collection of some personal and university projects I’ve worked. Anything that is not browser-friendly will not make the cut :(

I’m also available for consulting, so feel free to contact me via email if you’d like to work together.

COVID Mask Design and Manufacture

Visors for Royal London Hospital

Worked as part of a team primarily from QMUL to design and manufacture visors for the Royal London Hospital, which ultimately resulted in a final design that is being injection molded. Personally contributed 221 Visors that were used in the Royal London Hospital for emergency response and patient treatment.

Some of the effort coverage by IEEE Spectrum and QMUL.

JAMKIT Biomimetic Robot Hand with Soft Tactile Sensing

UR5 Mount

This is my MEng Project, where along with a team, we design and build a dexterous, low cost, and 3D printable robot hand with an embedded tactile sensor suited for grasping and manipulation. This project is currently under review and more information will be published soon.

Mammal Inspired Legged Soft Robot

Walking Soft robot

Concept design of a textile based leg that primarily uses easily available techniques and materials. A linear actuator using the transformation of an object from a 2d area to a 3d volumetric object is investigated and tested to produce an operational leg that is used to create a hexapod robot.

Check out the project here

QMUL AI And Robotics Society

During my time at the AI and Robotics Society I have

Pantograph Robot Arm

Pantograph robot

Design, build and control of a parallel pantograph robot. The control was performed using NI Labview, implementing forward and inverse kinematics, configuration analysis and singularity avoidance, and and low level implementation of PID control of the DC motors.

Check out the project working here

Also feel free to check my GitHub